

We use various forms of media to get the word out about our climate solution and why we support it. And the more media buzz we generate, the more Members of Congress will recognize our power.

Social Media

Are you active on social media? Do you like to create eye-catching posts? Do you enjoy sharing what others are posting?

If so, a role on a social media team is for you!

You can use social media creatively to share about CCL from a youth perspective.
Here are some existing Instagram accounts for inspiration.

SPOTLIGHT: Sofia Gore, 16, North Carolina

“I co-lead the instagram for my local CCL Youth Team. We promote events that we host by creating flyers on canvas to post on our page. I try to use engaging images and not make them too wordy, usually highlighting the event title and date. The event details and description can be typed out in the caption because it's important to try and keep the post more visually appealing rather than informative.

I am honored to be able to help run our instagram page because it's a wonderful way to reach out and get youth engaged with climate issues. Most importantly, I get to exercise my creative freedom when designing posts which brings me joy, as opposed to giving presentations which is really nerve-racking. There are many forms of activism and it's important to play to your talents and hobbies so that you can enjoy it!"

Do you like to write? Do you want to be published and read far and wide?
Print media love to have a diversity of voices, so here’s where your youth voice gives you an advantage!

Here are some ideas to try out.
  • Write an article focused on a youth climate activist (it could be you!) for your school newspaper
  • Write a Letter to the Editor of your school newspaper
  • Write and submit a Letter to the Editor of your local community newspaper and be sure to indicate your age. Letters from the youth are more likely to be published.
  • Write and submit an article about your work with CCL for a national publication.

SPOTLIGHT: Sophia Chung, 17, California

"I'm the founder and leader of CCL's Northern California Youth Action Team. I know that many youth think that our actions won't make a change, or we don't know how to take action. That is why I created this team as a safe space where we can share our successes, failures, and resources and help each other become better activists. We are working on building our relationships with local media. We have been writing letters to the editor and op-eds, working on getting endorsements, and requesting interviews with local radios. I’ve had several letters published. The process was relatively simple: after reaching out to the editor, I wrote up around 200 words about CCL and as a call to action to my community."

Visual Media

Do you like to play around with videos? Videos can be powerful outreach and education tools!

Here are some ways you can use video in climate advocacy.
  • Explain how the Energy Innovation Act works in clear understandable ways. Creating the video can help you, too, to learn a lot about the bill. Make sure to have members of your chapter review it for accuracy, and then circulate the video widely as an educational tool. Read about the Washington State Team’s Laser Talk Videos, or check out a Michigan student’s video, An Economic Solution to Climate Change.
  • Create videos about yourself or members of your youth team to inspire others as you share about your climate actions, why you’ve chosen to work with Citizens’ Climate Lobby, and encourage others to join in. Check out a video made by a youth in New Jersey.
  • Film the places you love and why you care about protecting them from the effects of climate change. This can be very powerful, especially if you connect it to a possible solution, such as the Energy Innovation Act.

SPOTLIGHT: Jake Herbold, 16, Washington

"In April 2020, we launched the Washington Youth Action Team YouTube channel and released the first in our series of digital laser talk videos. Edited, written, and voice acted by team members, the video adapted one of the CCL laser talk articles into a two-minute short film complete with illustrations, music, and voiceover narration. Our idea to make the video came from a desire to try to make the policy of The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act more accessible and easy to digest. In our minds, young people are more likely to watch a two-minute Youtube video than try to read a two-page study, so it was important for us as a youth team to create this content. Since April, we have been releasing more videos every month, posting announcements on other social media to encourage people to check out the videos and subscribe to our channel."

Youth Blog

Are you an engaging writer? Would you enjoy sharing what you’re up to with CCL members across the world? Or cover the great work that’s being done within CCL?

If so, then the new CCL Youth Blog is for you! Join a team of CCL Youth covering youth perspectives and action stories.

SPOTLIGHT: Karishma Goswami, 17 California

“The Youth Blog Writing Team is a team of young CCL members who write blog posts that highlight youth involvement and projects both within CCL and within the realm of climate advocacy in general. I decided to create this team because projects such as the Thunderclap Movement and the DIY Climate Presentation package were pioneered by my Silicon Valley North team but there wasn’t a designated space for other youth to find out and replicate them. Our goal is to share with all CCL members the accomplishments made by youth climate advocates and to give nonvoting citizens a larger voice in the climate advocacy narrative, a voice that is often suppressed or unheard in news media. We also hope to act as a resource for other youth CCL members by giving them ideas for projects to replicate, outlining how they were done, showing them where improvements could be made, and providing them with a network of CCL youth."

Other Press Coverage

Do you want to be “famous?” Would you like to be on TV or Radio?

TV and radio programs are always looking for interesting angles to cover the issues. Find ways to capture their interest!

Are you ready to solve climate change?